Cedra Capital Committed Partners in Finance
(424) 330-7652

Vendor Programs

A partnership with Cedra Capital means having access to a full range of equipment financing and leasing for all types of credits and industries. Here at Cedra Capital we take your business seriously, we will develop custom and cost effective finance and leasing solutions designed to meet your customers needs. Our process streamlines programs for the approval and funding of transactions as small as $5,000, as well as the ability to structure commercial approvals up to $5 million.

If selling equipment is your livelihood, a relationship with Cedra Capital provides you a committed finance partner that has the expertise and talented staff to develop cost-effective solutions to improve sales productivity with added customer value to close the deal and earn you the business in less time.

Introducing equipment leasing and finance options early in the sales process provides your customers with options they may have not known about. Controlling the equipment financing process allows you to control the sale. Contact a Cedra Capital representative today and see how we can help develop complete and cost-effective solutions for your customers.


Contact our professional staff at vendors@cedracapital.com

Equipment Financing And Equipment Leasing for all Businesses

Vendor Finance

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